Myanmar visa requirements for Costa Ricans - Fees & Services in February 2025

Myanmar visa requirements for Costa Rican citizens: It's no wonder that Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) is an increasingly popular tourist destination, with its lush landscapes, vibrant culture, and world-renowned hospitality. As a Costa Rican, you need to meet Myanmar visa requirements for entry into the country.

Myanmar visa for Costa Rican citizens - How to get a Myanmar e visa from Costa Rica

Myanmar visa for Costa Rican citizens - How to get a Myanmar e visa from Costa Rica?

This article aims to provide information about Myanmar e visa requirements for Costa Rican citizens, the required documents, the cost of a Myanmar visa, and any advice or tips you should keep in mind when applying online for a Myanmar e visa from Costa Rica.

Let’s check Myanmar visa requirements for Costa Rican citizens

  • Costa Rica is not on the exempt country list for Myanmar visa, so Myanmar visa is REQUIRED for Costa Rican citizens.
  • To visit Myanmar, Costa Rican travelers must apply for a Myanmar visa in advance.

Several ways to apply for a Myanmar visa for Costa Rican citizens including:

  • Alternatively, Costa Rican citizens can apply for a traditional Myanmar visa at the Myanmar embassy in Costa Rica or the consulate nearest prior to arrival.

The general Myanmar visa requirements for Costa Rican nationals are as follows:

  • Costa Rica passports must have complete and authentic biographical information in your passport (no missing information or lines). It must be valid for at least six (06) months after the date of entry. Furthermore, it must contain two blank sheets of paper to stamp the visa.
  • Costa Rican applicant's individual color photograph in any format and any size that you have (the photo needs to focus on the face of the applicant).
  • The applicants must provide a Covid Vaccination Certificate in English and verify at least two doses of the Covid vaccine.

Check Myanmar e visa requirements for Costa Rican citizens

Check Myanmar e visa requirements for Costa Rican citizens

About types of Myanmar visa for Costa Rican citizens

  • Myanmar tourist visas may be available to Costa Rican citizens who are only planning a short visit to Myanmar.
  • Costa Rican citizens may need a Myanmar business visa if they intend to stay in Myanmar for a longer period of time for business activities.

There are different types of Myanmar e visas available for Costa Rican, so choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Myanmar Tourist e visas: valid for 90 days, Costa Rican nationals can stay in Myanmar for 28 days from the date of arrival and enter the country once. Myanmar tourist eVisa users utilize it for traveling and tourism.
  • Myanmar Business e visas: Myanmar business eVisas enable Costa Ricans to stay in Myanmar for up to 70 days from the date of arrival and expire after 90 days.

It is essential that you begin the Myanmar visa registration process well in advance of your planned departure date, considering time frames vary based on the kind of Myanmar e visa for Costa Rican citizens.

How to apply for Myanmar e Visa from Costa Rica

To apply for the necessary Myanmar visa, you must be a Costa Rica citizen and submit a visa application to the nearest Myanmar embassy or consulates in Costa Rica, or apply online for a Myanmar e visa for Costa Rican citizens through our website.

Myanmar e visa is an electronic document processed and issued online to Costa Rican citizens who wish to enter Myanmar for tourism and business activities. Fortunately, most people will find this Myanmar e visa application process simple and quick.

Prepare the necessary documents to apply for a Myanmar e visa

In addition to the Myanmar visa requirements listed above, Costa Rican citizens must supply the following additional documentation, depending on the kind of Myanmar e visa they apply for:

  • The Myanmar tourist e visa requires a return flight reservation confirmation and a hotel reservation confirmation.
  • Company registration certificates and company extracts are required for Myanmar business e visa applications.

Apply for a Myanmar e visa for Costa Rican citizens by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Declaration of Costa Rican citizens (name, gender, date of birth, nationality, passport number), should include information about your trips, such as dates and accommodation. Please make sure all information is accurate to avoid any delays or refusals.
  • Step 2: To finish the Myanmar visa procedure, make payment for your Myanmar e visa services and provide supporting papers.
  • Step 3: Costa Ricans can keep track of your Myanmar e visa application status by checking the Myanmar visa check status system. Your email address will receive a notification when your Myanmar e visa application has been approved.

Completing the Myanmar e visa for Costa Rican citizens will only take about 10 - 15 minutes. Myanmar Immigration Services provides 24/7 assistance if Costa Ricans have any questions about Myanmar visas, please contact us.

Apply a Myanmar e visa for Costa Rican citizens

Apply a Myanmar e visa for Costa Rican citizens

All About Myanmar E Visa Fee And Services For Costa Rican Citizens

Myanmar Immigration Services provides many Myanmar e visa services, each with a different charge. Costa Rican citizens must choose the Myanmar eVisa service that best meets their requirements.

Myanmar e visa services for Costa Rican citizens

  • Normal service for Myanmar e visa: for Costa Rican citizens who want to acquire Myanmar eVisa within 3 business days.
  • Urgent service for Myanmar e visa: for Costa Ricans who would like to get Myanmar eVisa within 24 business hours.
  • Super Urgent service for Myanmar e visa: the current fastest type of Myanmar eVisa service for Costa Rican citizens who want to get Myanmar e visa within 5 business hours.

Myanmar e visa fee for Costa Rican citizens

Myanmar service fees and Myanmar Government fees must be paid to apply Myanmar e visa for Costa Rican citizens.

Learn about Myanmar visa fees for Costa Rican citizens

Learn about Myanmar visa fees for Costa Rican citizens

The Myanmar Government requires travelers to have Travel Insurance with COVID-19 coverage in order to obtain Myanmar visa approval. Myanmar Immigration Service allows Costa Ricans to acquire it without providing any further information while applying for a Myanmar e visa for Costa Rican citizens.

Myanmar Travel Insurance with COVID-19 coverage is 299$ (USD). The reasonable cost for Myanmar travel Insurance will protect travelers from any risks while traveling.

The Myanmar embassy in Costa Rica

  • The Embassy of Myanmar has yet to be established in Costa Rica.
  • As a result, Costa Rican nationals can contact and apply for a Myanmar visa at the Myanmar embassies or consulates in their surrounding countries.

Note about Myanmar e visas for Costa Ricans

  • US $3 will be charged if Costa Rica travelers break the rules for overstaying in Myanmar without extending your eVisa.
  • Additionally, Costa Rican citizens must have a valid passport for at least six months to enter Myanmar legally.